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Turn the Tables Now with Anita Burns Massage Therapy

Hello from Anita in Bundaberg

Hello! I am Anita Burns, and I provide massage therapy services in the Bundaberg region. Starting on January 3, 2023, I will be practicing at the Bundaberg Regional Business Headquarters. From this location, I offer all my massage modalities in a relaxing, comfortable, safe, and confidential environment. I strongly recommend booking your treatments in advance, but I will always strive to accommodate anyone who needs pain relief. If you have any questions about the massage therapy services I provide, please feel free to contact me via phone, email, or Facebook.

My Commitment to Clients

My guarantee to my clients is to continually expand my knowledge about the body, massage, and pain relief. Moreover, I only provide evidence-based practices and medically proven techniques within my practice. Additionally, I commit to ongoing study and seek answers to help everyone who walks through my door. Furthermore, if I believe your needs are outside my scope of practice, I will refer you to practitioners who I think will be most beneficial to you.My greatest wish for my clients is that they no longer need me for pain management but continue to come for the beauty of massage.

My Journey into Massage Therapy

I started my journey into massage therapy roughly six years ago. Before this, I was an outdoor education instructor with a degree in adventure-based counseling and was qualified to work with at-risk youth in the great outdoors. Due to the rigors of the job, I started experiencing back pain. At first, it was just a periodic ache, but over a couple of years, it intensified into debilitating pain. I reached a point where I was unable to function due to extreme and unrelenting pain.

Seeking Pain Relief

I sought help from physiotherapists, osteopaths, podiatrists, acupuncturists, yoga instructors, and doctors. Everyone I spoke to believed they understood the problem and could help me, yet I only ever experienced temporary pain relief. Due to my experience and frustration in finding lasting pain relief, I have strived to find answers that will help me reduce my own pain and improve my quality of life, as well as the lives of my clients.

My Qualifications

To give people hope for a future without pain, I have studied and obtained qualifications in various fields. Additionally, I have explored and immersed myself in diverse disciplines.

  • Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy
  • Certificate IV in Therapeutic Massage Therapy
  • Certificate III in Relaxation Massage
  • Certification in Deep Dry Needling
  • Certification in Myofascial Cupping
  • Certification in Pregnancy and Infancy Massage
  • Certification in Lymphatic Drainage
  • Certification in Kahuna Bodywork
  • Certification in Ili ili Hot Rocks

Massage Therapy in Bundaberg

Are you looking for massage services in Bundaberg? Massage therapy has been proven to increase blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, speed up the delivery of nutrients, and dispose of metabolic waste that causes pain and slows down muscle recovery. Massage reduces muscle tension, increases mobility throughout the body, reduces stress, and creates an overall sense of relaxation and wellbeing.

Addressing Pain, Numbness, and Sensations

Do you live with nerve pain, numbness, or strange sensations in your hands, arms, fingers, legs, glutes, or toes? If so, Normatec Compression Therapy offers a pain-free and relaxing way to help minimize nerve pain in your extremities. Specifically, it targets discomfort caused by radiculopathy, which is damage to your spine or nervous system.

Benefits of Normatec Compression Therapy

Normatec Compression Therapy is also used by experienced athletes to help reduce the effects of delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). This is achieved by increasing blood flow in overworked areas and removing waste products produced through intense exercise. Additionally, Normatec Compression Therapy has been beneficial for my clients with fluid retention issues caused by lymphedema, diabetes, surgery, or other trauma to the body. Reducing swelling helps to reduce the sensation of numb hands and feet, decrease pain, increase mobility, and promote an overall sense of wellbeing.

To wrap up, my journey into massage therapy stems from a personal struggle with chronic pain and a passion for helping others find relief. At my practice in Bundaberg, I offer a range of massage therapies tailored to meet the diverse needs of my clients. Whether you are seeking pain relief, relaxation, or improved mobility, I am here to help. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to book your appointment. I look forward to helping you on your path to wellness and comfort.